How to open multiple files in Windows 10?

How to open multiple files in Windows 10? How to open all files with one click?

¿How to open multiple files in Windows 10? How to open all files with one click? ¿How to open many files at once? ¿How to open many files with one clcik?

Indeed Microsoft has disabled this option in Windows 10. Yes I am angry. One solution i have found in this video is to create a bat file with the notepad. .ITS VERY EASY ! ..This will act as a shortcut to open all wanted files. I will leave the video and the syntaxis of my file below.
Youtube thumbnail
Write this down in your notepad and substitute with your desired files



START "ingles.txt" "G:\mis docs\Desktop\blocs importantes\ingles.txt"

START "paginas.txt" "G:\mis docs\Desktop\blocs importantes\paginas.txt"

START "youtube.txt" "G:\mis docs\Desktop\blocs importantes\youtube.txt"


To look for the path of your file just right click on the file, choose Properties and click the upper tab "Direct acces" and just copy the route.Then just save that file and save it as YOURNAME.bat

Very important to write """"""".bat"""""""",,,,,,save it in your desktop and just double click on YOURNAME . bat

that easy



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